Saturday, 9 February 2019

Take Off

Ronit Kumar: 20 years old doing Aeronautical Engineering in Pune Institute of Aviation Technology who grows up to be a Pilot 

Father  : Abhay Kumar 48 years old is a Corporate lawyer in Ahmedabad

Mother :  Reema Kumar 45 years old is a Psychology Professor in Ahmedabad Science College

Brother :  Samyak 17 years old St Johns High School Student 

Sister   :  Archi: 15 years old  in her 10th in St Johns High School Student   School

Youngest Sister: Avni 13 years old in her 8th Standard in St Johns High School Student 

Best friend cum Classmate: Arman Nair 21 years old 

Girlfriend: Preeti Khanna 20 years old DDS Student from Singhad Dental College in Pune

 Threshold  [The First Step of Pilot  Ronit ]

The summer sun gleamed on Ronit face as he looked outside his classroom window wondering how he will go further after his aeronautical engineering course in Pune Institute of Aviation one of the most prestigious colleges and yet he seemed confused. “Hey dreamer” his friend called him knowing exactly what he might have been thinking, “will you please stop calling me that Arman, please yaar, girls are laughing at me because of you” Ronit quoted firmly, “oh c’mon, dreamer boy, girls are laughing at you cause you slept off with your mouth open in the last class, besides you already have Preeti, please leave these girls for me man”, Arman broke it to Ronit. Sleeping off in the free period was a joy for this boy as he hardly ever slept, all he ever did was study and worry.

Ronit was the type of kid that always took things in life seriously and why not, he aspired to a Pilot, an entrepreneur and much more which seemed way too much for a single lifetime. 

Exams were approaching and every student in the class seemed competitive with one another. It was the time of that year when even the most planned students was beginning to get confused about what they really wanted to do next. 
He was a charming 20 year old who dreamt of the skies and Preeti another 20 year old dental student from Sinhgad Dental college and hospital, was lucky enough to meet Ronit on a Pune intercollege competitions a year back when they decided to date each other.

As soon as Ronit got home his father greeted him on a whatsapp video call. Mister Abhay Kumar a corporate advocate was a proud father of four children Ronit, Samyak, Archi, and Avni and his wife Reema a professor in psychology was as hard working as anyone could be. 

“Hi dad,

We got our timetable today, it starts in two weeks” Ronit declared, the entire family bursted into  a noise asking him to relax and wished him good luck. Archi and Avni made fun of his hair and giggled, “bhaiya, you have become so stylish, Ahmedabad girls will be all flat now, pure Pune wallah, did you meet someone?” Archi pointed out while their mother joined “yes yes tell us, be serious about exams okay beta, girls and all we’ll see later”, “oh my god ma and these bachis, please leave me alone” Ronit laughed “and tell Samyak I said hi, I see him so often on Instagram doing his football rehearsals, hope its going well” he added, ”yes yes he is practicing round the clock, sometimes I think he’ll be the next Ronaldo” his father stated a light hearted statement. Ronit and his family waved to each other before hanging up the call.

One call was done and now awaited his daily evening calls with Preeti,

 “why so late?”

She stormed on the video call, “sorry babe, exams are up ahead and you know I have a big family, so everyone was on the line today” Ronit tried to pacify her, “whatever” replied Preeti. Ronit came up with an idea before the exams took over all of his time “babe tomorrow I’ll come see you, pleaseee don’t be mad, I’ll come stay over, it’s weekend, please cheer up my babbyyy”,

 “you better be here early morning itself, I won’t open the door if you come after 8 am, muah” said Preeti blowing an angry kiss at him, “I promise madam” teased Ronit.

“Wow, the house smells so good, what are you making babe?”

Ronit walked in exactly at 7:45 am, Preeti seemed impressed and replied “sausages, half boiled eggs, toast and coffee”. Ronit held his girlfriend from the back and Preeti turned her head for a quick kiss “you smell nice” she complimented, “of course, as always” he replied playfully. 

They watched their favourite Good Morning show in VH1 on her bed and ate their fill. “Ah let's do something today, movie may be?”

Ronit suggested, “yeah cool, in the evening” Preeti agreed and added “day time lets just chill here and order food, whole week we work so hard we need to just lay in bed and relax”, “you think I’ll just let you relax like that hahaha”

Ronit replied with a wicked smile, “babe please” his girlfriend looked at him in a cute grumpy manner. Everyone is aware what a chill means and pulled her in and kissed her and began to slowly slide his hands under her tee shirt and tried to unhook her bra, Preeti bursted out laughing “it is a front hook babe ahahahahaha”, Ronit laughed along with her and they continued kissing each other till they ended up making wild love to the music of John Mayer in the background.

Lying on the bed Ronit watched Preeti put on her lingerie, “such a sexy lingerie, are you planning on tempting me 24/7” he said with a rhetorical tone “it’s not my fault that you are so attracted to me” Preeti smartly answered it anyway, “seriously though where do you get these from” Ronit pinched her cheeks and asked  
always” Preeti replied and kissed him.

“I need a shower now”

Ronit took a towel and got up from the bed “come join me babe, been so long” he gave out his hand for Preeti to take his offer, “hahaha naughty, okay but just a bath you promise?” she asked him making her usual puppy eyes, “I can’t promise” he laughed fickle mindedly. 

The weekend was over like every good thing and so was the preparation week. Anxious yet excited Ronit entered his examination hall after all it was the last day of his exams and after this was done, he would finally spread his wings to explore.
Every cell in him was prepared for this day, every paper although not a cake walk, it certainly wasn’t something unexpected for him. 

 “Students please pay attention here, kindly, check the notice board after your exams, there are some important notice about career counsellors that you can contact, all the best to the class of 2015, hope you all have a bright future, kindly raise your hands for any questions and if not any, you may start writing your answers” the invigilator made an announcement, much needed for all the sophomores. 

“Arman, did you see anything useful?”

Ronit asked standing in front of the notice board after their paper, “here, check this out, scan the code on the notice board and then, yep, you get that link, here  

U Got it right?”

Arman showed how it worked and Ronit followed “wow it’s right here in Pune?”,“ so yeah I am thinking to be in Pune itself, so I guess we are sorted bro”,added Ronit, “I scanned this as well  it’s in Indore, think I wanna be home for awhile so this will be good for me” Arman disclosed, “ oh well, good luck then, will miss you man” Ronit looked at Arman and the boys patted each other and walked in the corridors of their college for one last time.

On his way to the hostel Ronit texted his girlfriend

Ronit: Hey babe❤
Preeti: how was the exam?😍
Ronit: it went well, so I found this place for career counselling in Pune, I think I’ll check it out

Preeti: the one with scan code?

Ronit: how do you know?😲

Preeti: we had the same one here in our notice boards

Ronit: great, and what did you decide?

Preeti: Well my class teacher suggested me to download 
this so I’ll check this out  I’ll see what to do next and why don’t you download it as well?

Ronit: oh wow, cool will do and also I will be here in Pune itself for the counsellingπŸ˜ƒ

Preeti: great then I’ll be here too for time being and practice, come see me then, exams are over now πŸ˜’😒missing you so much

Ronit: yes of course babe I will, missing you a lot too my love😘😘😘

Preeti: okay come as soon as possible, call me and let me know when you are coming, cya babe, love you😘

sure babe cya, love you tooπŸ€—πŸ˜˜

It was a week after their exams the boys bid each other farewell and began their counselling sessions. Ronit visited the best counsellor in Pune and so did Arman in Indore.

A year passed by and Ronit began his Pilot training and Preeti went ahead with her further studies and took up a stream to qualify as an Orthodontist. The couple’s love was still going strong and they planned for their future because it was almost like they grew up together. 

Preeti: I’m so happy for you babe omg congrats😍😘😘😘

Ronit: thank you so much and congrats to you too  Dr. Preeti, good going babe😍😍

Preeti: tomorrow evening I am coming over to your new place

Ronit: of course and I need to discuss so many stuffs with you

Preeti: cool😘 love you

Ronit: love you too😘😘

Next day was a serious talk for the couple and this time they were no longer 20 year old having fun and planning for movies alone. “So I need to tell you something” Ronit started “you are scaring me babe” Preeti looked at him with grave eyes, “I will have to move to Philippines for further training and you know flying as well and I leave Pune this coming week”.Ronit held her face and broke the news to her, “well, we can do long distance, there’s whatsapp video call, we can fly to each other once or twice a year, right?” Preeti spoke trying to look carefree while her voice has already started breaking. Ronit kissed her forehead and assured her “yes babe, yeah, glad you didn’t get mad at me”, “how can I be, it's about your career, I am not that selfish” replied Preeti, “you better meet me before leaving” she added sternly with a childish voice, “do you even have to mention that”, Ronit pushed her cute cheeks together and kissed her hard. 

“I will have to move to Philippines for further training and you know flying as well and I leave Pune this coming week”.


I have a Wonderful Idea before we leave this city. Lets go to some Forest for a break.
Lets plan a visit to

Let me book  the one of the best place for a break. At

When They  got there at Satpura Tiger Reserve, they  discovered it was a Big Cottage of the Woods. Other houses were nearby but not completely visible due to the foliage.

They went out on the back deck and talked small talk while Preeti poured Tea.

Preeti said, “Don’t you love the view here? It’s so Beautiful.”

Ronit said sipping his tea. The couple then went on a Tiger Safari and enjoy the beautiful Sunset in the wild  near Lake and ended their evening with a Kiss and wild Romance. 

Once they got back to their cozy Room, they were treated with a special forest food  and as they enjoyed their Dinner the wine begin to settle in.

“You look amazing Babe”

Ronit complimented his girlfriend who looked sun Kissed and so elegant in her silky Night gown, “Ahan”  Smiled Preeti and sat on his lap and Ronit held her tight. The couple began their passionate Kissing and Ronit pulled down her straps as Preeti began kissing his neck, the couple made love on the couch next to the fireplace and her moans echoed in the wild.

“Did you like that?”  asked Ronit, “when have I not” smiled Preeti as she ran her fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead, both lying naked on the couch their body on each other shinning with the light of the from the fireplace. 

“I can’t believe you are leaving already and this trip has almost come to an end”, 

Back in Pune 

Preeti held him tight and added “guess I will also go and join MBA in Ahmedabad cause Pune will be a bore now”, “really where?” Ronit asked, “pass my phone, let me show you, here” Preeti clarified “ it’s a very prestigious MBA institute, it’s an Australian institute, gosh growing up is hard. She sighed.

When we fear of something to arrive, it seems to arrive faster and so did the day for Ronit to leave Pune was a day away. Preeti kissed him and tried not to cry, “packed it all is it?” “except you” Ronit tried to lighten up the moment, “you’re only gonna make me sadder” said Preeti hugging him as tight as possible. Their hearts beating like a drum lead them to kiss one another to make love one for last time before he flew away. It was one of their most passionate moments in a long time as they were both busy working and thriving to get where they want, “I love you” she whispered as they finished, “I love you too Preeti” Ronit kissed her neck, as their bare body lied next to each other with their favourite music playing in the background for one last time.

Ronit flew back next morning to Ahmedabad and Preeti let him go with her sinking heart yet hoping it will all workout. All of a sudden 20 to 25 felt like a dream as Preeti sat in the cab to go back to her apartment, teary eyed but with a feeling of being loved.

Just two week into the homely atmosphere and it was time for Ronit to fly again. “Packed everything right? Also please keep the achar separately, you don’t want oil on your clothes” Preeti helped Ronit pack his last luggage, “so much food ma, wonder if they will let me through” Ronit smiled at his mother gratefully, “arey, why not, you are not some ordinary person, you are a captain, also you will miss my food there beta” his mother kissed his forehead. Ronit was filled with mixed feelings of going to Philippines away from his family but it also excited him. “Bhaiya, bhaiya please bring as many stuffs you can hold when you come back” Avni bugged her brother, “who knows he will bring a girl from out there” laughed Archi and teased Ronit as she always did. Samyak walked in and joined the laughter “he sure is a charmer these days, girls at my university keep asking about him” he winked at Archi while Abhay called out from the outside “Ronit beta we start in another an hours please have everything ready, the A1 cab driver already called, they are very punctual unlike others, so please hurry”, “yes papa, we are all set” replied Ronit. 

That evening finally he was looking at his flight ticket and waving at his family members at the Sardar Vallabhai Patel airport to fly off to Philippines to start his career as a Pilot. “How did this even happen, everything was so quick” Ronit pondered upon the years that passed by but also excitement knew know boundaries.

Preeti: boarded your flight ? 

Ronit: yes babe, will start in another 10 minutes

Preeti: gosh I miss you so much😭😘

Ronit: I miss you too babe, will see you in December😍😍 already excited

Preeti: that’s like 11 months away😭😭😭😫

Ronit: the longer you wait the sweeter I’ll get πŸ˜˜πŸ˜œ

Preeti: always in a mood for jokes lol, have a safe flight, love you and text me as soon as you reach there😘😘😘

Ronit: love you too my baby and yes of course I willπŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜, BTW I have a layover, 2days in Malaysia 

Preeti: what really? You didn’t tell me

Ronit: babe I forgot to mention in a hurry.

Preeti: just stfu, I’m flying down there😠😠

Ronit: are you serious???

Preeti: yeah why not, If I book now I will be there by right after you, ughh you idiot, be at the airport itself😠

Ronit: omg babe I love you, hope its not too much for you, please don’t waste your money

Preeti: seriously Ronit stfu, I am coming😠

Ronit: okay okay I am sorry, I will wait for you babeπŸ€—πŸ˜°πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜

The announcement by the cabin crew began and when the flight took off, so did Ronit’s Big Dreams.

  [B Sc Tourism & Travel Management and Mass Comm]
Fami @Fb

Coming from the state of Assam Writer Ms Fami can speak a lot of languages apart from her mother tongue Bodo as Assam has higher diversity than other states in the northeast, she speaks fluent English, Assamese, Hindi, and  a little bit of Bengali. Fami is an aspiring Content Writer who loves Blogging

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